***CAD Board Meeting***
March 24th at 3pm
At Souplantation
1860 Marron Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)434-9100
For those who want to nominate themselves for positions (president,vice-president, secretary, treasurer, membership director,members-at-large, chartermember *members who act as representation/voicefor the rest of members*)
This meeting is a good time to step up and get involved in the committee!!
((More information can be found on http://sandiegocad.blogspot.com)
David Prince, the president of the LA chapter will come to assist our chapter to frame some fundamentals for instances planning for Miss DeafSan Diego or any fun event, rules regards to operate a fundraiser, andprocedures in being a "watchdog," and how to keep CAD informed aboutevents in San Diego. David Prince is currently planning events for CADExpo which will take place on August 30 to Sept 1 (this is also theplace for Miss Deaf California pageant) so David is a great guy to ask questions.
So if you are seriously considering to get involved with one ofpositions on the board, come down to the meeting to introduce yourselfto other people on the board!
**Go ahead and Share this information with other people who you think will beinterested in joining the board for CAD chapter.
***http://www.cad1906.org/membership.html If you can't help out on the board, you can at least get a form to mailin your application for becoming a member. Do check "San Diego" forwhich chapter you want to be affilated with (easy as it does!).